Our Emotional Stress Release Program helps to gently release emotional energetic blockages and restore mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

In each moment of every day, a conversation is taking place inside us that’s one of the most vital we will ever find ourselves engaged in. It’s the silent, often subconscious, and never-ending conversation of emotion-based signals between the heart and the brain. The reason this conversation is so important is that the quality of the emotional signal the heart sends to the brain determines what kind of chemicals are released into our bodies. When we feel what we would typically call negative emotions (for instance, anger, hate, jealousy, and rage), the heart sends a signal to the brain that mirrors our feelings. Such emotions are irregular and chaotic, and this is precisely what the signals they send to the brain look like. The stress from negative emotions increases the levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in our bloodstreams, which prepare us for a quick and powerful reaction to whatever is causing us stress. That reaction includes redirecting the blood supply from the organs to the muscles, limbs and extremities that we use to either confront the source of our stress or run as fast as we can to get away from it—our instinctive fight-or-flight response.

In our modern world, we are in a perpetual state of information overload and we can feel that we’re in a constant state of never-ending stress. People who cannot find a release from this kind of stress find themselves in sustained fight-or-flight mode, with all of the consequences that come with it. It’s not surprising to find that people with the greatest levels of sustained stress are also in the poorest health.

The rise in U.S. statistics for stress-related conditions, including heart disease and stroke, eating disorders, immune deficiencies, and some cancers is no surprise when we take into account the relentless stress that many people experience in their daily lives. The good news is that the same mechanism that creates and sustains our stress responses, often on a subconscious level, can also be regulated to help us relieve the stress in a healthy way—even when the world is in chaos. And we can do so quickly and intentionally.

Just the way our hearts send our brains the signals of chaos when we feel negative emotions, positive emotions send another kind of signal to our brains that is more regular, more rhythmic, and orderly. In the presence of positive emotions, such as appreciation, gratitude, compassion, and caring, the stress hormones in our bodies decrease, while immune and anti-aging properties increases. The shift between the stress response and a feeling of well-being can happen quickly.

Emotional stress release employs a wide variety of techniques and therapies that help to gently release emotional energetic blockages and restore mental, emotional, spiritual and many times physical wellness.

Techniques include:

Interrogatory Biocommunication

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. Even for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions any kind of emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the human body. EFT can help resolve this emotional stress.



Any physical, mental, structural or emotional ailment can be improved by applying the healing energy of Reiki. Reiki is particularly useful in restoring balance to the seven Chakras, or energy centers, which govern the organs in that area. Reiki is extremely relaxing and healing to all areas of the body.


Hypnosis helps you achieve extreme relaxation, many times resulting in a trance state. This trance state quiets the conscious, thinking mind and heightens the subconscious mind’s receptivity to beneficial suggestion. The subconscious mind is where habitual patterns of thought, reaction, behavior, attitude, emotion and self-limiting belief are stored. The thinking, logical conscious mind is temporarily preoccupied during hypnosis, allowing the subconscious mind to receive healthy suggestions.

Color Therapy

Color Therapy

Each color has its own particular wavelength and energy. The energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras/energy centers of the body. Color therapy can help to re-balance and/or stimulate these energies by applying the appropriate color to the body.

Sound Therapy

Sound Therapy

Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, it is possible to downshift your brainwaves and achieve relaxation, meditative states and deep healing.


Eyelights provide stimulation to the brain via the optic nerve. The glasses have flashing lights built to fit behind the lens and are programmed to blink on the non-dominant eye in order to strengthen the weaker side of the brain.

Mind Lab

Colors and sound frequencies can profoundly affect consciousness and mood. Flickering light and sound frequencies can also affect and alter mental state in often dramatic ways, eliciting the “relaxation response”, dwelling at the threshold of sleep, or activating visual creativity. The Mind Lab is capable of producing 255 shades of each color (red, green, blue) and multiple visual and sound effects.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies that corrects emotional imbalances where negative emotions are replaced with positive. The Bach Flower Remedies work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, elderly and even plants.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Essential oils can help alter our physical, mental and emotional well-being by triggering and strengthening our bodies’ own natural processes. They are made up of tiny molecules that can deliver healing properties to the systems that control our physiological state.



Homeopathy is a form of holistic medicine used to treat both acute and chronic conditions. A symptom is simply the body attempting to balance itself. Homeopathy is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’ – in other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if it was taken in large amounts.