HBOT, Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy
IQS Interrogatory Biofeedback, Quantum Physics, Energy Medicine

Allergy Desensitization | ReSET Therapy

There are many causes for allergies and sensitivities, including food, drink, skin contact, breath, and substances injected into your body. Most people know that animals can trigger allergic reactions, but did you know that you can also be allergic to people? When your body perceives something as an invader, the nervous and immune systems go into overdrive and begin to battle the perceived enemy. Our BioSET system is a non-invasive, safe, natural desensitization technique that often permanently eliminates food and environmental allergies and sensitivities. Not only does the BioSET system reduce and help to eliminate sensitivities and allergies, it improves digestion, detoxifies organs, and strengthens the immune system through better absorption of nutrients.

To learn more about the BioSET Allergy Desensitization technique.

Anti-Aging Services

Aging is a natural process, but it can be accelerated or impeded depending on genetics, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle. By addressing all aging factors, we can help you identify the health challenges you may encounter and make recommendations about modifiable risk factors in order to prevent or slow aging issues. Prevention is always easier than treatment and having us on your health team can be a smart investment in healthy aging.  We have helped many guests improve their quality of life as they age by discovering the root cause of their symptoms and addressing those factors.  We offer  Assessment Resources (micro-nutrient, genetics, etc..), Wellness Resources (hyperbaric oxgyen therapy, lymphatic enhancement technique, etc..).  In addition to our Holistic Spa (lymphstar facials, therapeutic massage, etc..)

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.

Biomat Richway Amethyst

The core of the Richway BioMat technology is a combination of far infrared rays, negative ion and the conductive properties of amethyst channels. These three powerful health stimulators are combined in a single, easy-to-use product with remarkable benefits. It’s a safe and natural way to own the ability to enjoy life for years to come with FDA approved temporary relief from minor spasms, minor sprains, minor strains, minor joint pain associated with arthritis, minor muscle pain and more. This highly effective therapy is now available to our guests who want to improve health and well-being with products based on Nobel prize-winning scientific research pioneered by NASA and developed using pure, natural materials.  Ready to book your appointment.

BioSet Comprehensive Evaluation

The foundational concept behind The BioSET System is that the gastrointestinal system and the brain are intimately connected. This connection goes both ways. A distressed gut sends signals to the brain just as a troubled brain sends signals to the gut. Both of these systems regulate the immune system. Learn more about the BioSET System.

BodyWork Compilation

BodyWork compilation is a session where you receive a mixture of modalities ranging from cranio-sacral therapy, acupressure, light touch therapy, essential oil therapy, trigger point, percussor and/or cold laser therapy.  Each session will be dictated by the guest needs at that given time.  Because we provide individualized and personalized care it is not uncommon for each session to be completely different.

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.  Ready to Book Appointment.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy accelerates healing, rebalances body systems and rejuvenates at a cellular level.  Low-level laser therapy is the use of low intensity photonic energy as a treatment modality.  It works by using photonic (light) stimuli to excite the body’s cells, infusing them with energy to reduce inflammation, regenerate cells and increase blood flow.


We have three types of Initial Consultations: Premier | Advanced | Mini.  And a variety of consultations for Continued Care.

Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral therapy (CST) is a method of examining and treating your head and body for restrictions that cause you pain and dysfunction. It addresses the membrane system and the connective tissue that connect the cranium and sacrum to each other. CST permits improvements in brain and spinal cord function which, increases the health of your entire body, enhances your resistance to disease and assists in a return to optimal function.  We offer CST as a stand alone service, however, our premier choice is BodyWork compilation.

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.  Ready to Book Appointment.

Detoxification Programs

The body can efficiently deal with a certain amount of toxins through the detoxification organs, skin and lymphatic system, but the level of toxins the body can process and eliminate is different for everyone. Built-up toxins in the body can result in sensitivities and acute and chronic health problems of all kinds. We use a variety resources to aide in determining which body organs or systems have been affected by toxin overload. Only then are we able to recommend supplementation for detoxing, homeopathic or herbal remedies that will aid the body in toxin elimination.

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.

Emotional Release Programs

Our Emotional Stress programs work synergistically to help gently release energetic blockages and restore mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. In each moment of every day, a conversation is taking place inside us that’s one of the most vital we will ever find ourselves engaged in. It’s the silent, often subconscious, and never-ending conversation of emotion-based signals between the heart and the brain. The reason this conversation is so important is that the quality of the emotional signal the heart sends to the brain determines what kind of chemicals are released into our bodies. When we feel what we would typically call negative emotions (for instance, anger, hate, jealousy, and rage), the heart sends a signal to the brain that mirrors our feelings. Such emotions are irregular and chaotic, and this is precisely what the signals they send to the brain look like. The stress from negative emotions increases the levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in our bloodstreams, which prepare us for a quick and powerful reaction to whatever is causing us stress. That reaction includes redirecting the blood supply from the organs to the muscles, limbs and extremities that we use to either confront the source of our stress or run as fast as we can to get away from it—our instinctive fight-or-flight response.

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.  Ready to Book Appointment.

Functional Health Approach

The concept of “functional health approach” comes from the concept that healthcare is an act integration, not separation.  Instead of simply addressing different symptoms and concerns as separate entities, the functional approach seeks to work collaboratively as a unified system.

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.  Ready to Book Appointment.

Hormone Balancing

Supporting the body’s power for the Endocrine System to naturally produce hormones and interact with all human tissues appropriately is imperative for complete health.

Hormone health does not depend on age or where you are on the Hormone Spectrum; but on a complex set of factors: the air you breathe, the water you drink, quality of your diet, sleep and exercise; emotional health and many other life’s variables.

You know your body better than anyone.  We can identify hormone imbalances through simple self-assessment and/or other testing methods; which then assist us to identify the specific tests needed to direct the individualized, comprehensive plan of care.

Let us know when you would like to Get Started.  Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.  Ready to Book Appointment.

Lymphatic Enhancment Therapy LET

Lymphatic Enhancement Technology L.E.T. is a proven technology for effective treatment of tissue congestion. The lymphatic system is the most underrated part of our circulatory system. Lymphatic fluid is more plentiful in our bodies than blood, yet most traditional health-care providers rarely address the lymphatic system as it relates to disease and optimum health.

L.E.T. is a process that decongests the lymphatic system. L.E.T. enhances detoxification and health by improving lymphatic circulation up to 10 times faster than traditional manual lymphatic drainage.  Continue reading about L.E.T.

Our Personal Care Concierge will guide you through the process.  Ready to Book Appointment.