We identify subtle imbalances in the body which give insight into the areas of the brain, brain-stem or nervous system that are under-performing or compromised.
Neurology is the area of medicine that studies and treats disorders of the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. In conventional medicine, neurological conditions are usually treated with side effect inducing pharmaceuticals, surgeries, and a “wait-and-see” attitude. Treatments that rely on pharmaceuticals usually do not address the cause of the condition and can even mask the symptoms. A wait-and-see approach contributes to additional decline of brain function and overall health and the result is precious, wasted time.
At Hiilton’s Heartland, we identify subtle imbalances in the body which give insight into the areas of the brain, brain-stem or nervous system that are under-performing or compromised. When these imbalances are not corrected, the resulting symptoms can interfere with quality of life and will usually worsen over time if not corrected.
Some of the most common neurological conditions that we have successfully improved include:
- Alzheimer’s
- Autism Spectrum
- Frequent Headaches
- Memory Loss
- Migraines
- Parkinson’s
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury