Genetic Testing – Telomere

Telomeres (teh·luh·meer) are protective structures (sometimes referred to as ‘end caps’) locatedin the nucleus, at the ends of chromosomes, and composed of DNA and proteins. They play a crucial role in maintaining the genome’s integrity and regulating the cells’ lifespan. Telomeres consist of repetitive DNA sequences that shorten with each cell division, eventually leading to cellular senescence (suh·neh·sns), or the inability to divide further.

The exclusive nbx wellness Telomere Genetic Test assesses biological (cellular) age, an estimate of cellular longevity. While getting older is inevitable, we can slow the progression of our genetic age. The first step to maintaining cell vitality is knowing our genetic age or health at the cellular level.

Telomeres protect DNA as chromosomes divide and replicate but become less effective as we age. Extending the ability of cells to engage in healthy cellular division helps prolong a youthful appearance and optimal body function. Longer telomeres are associated with slowing the natural aging process.

With a simple cheek swab, the NBX Telomere Genetic Test estimates your biological (cellular) age based on telomere length. The Telomere Genetic Test is a companion product to our exclusive DNA Sustain, which aids in maintaining telomere length to maximize anti-aging benefits.

Find out your cellular age.  Simply click below to purchase your home test.

Order your test now.  You can order a single test or a family bundle (2 sets or 3 sets).  Click below to order now.

How Telomeres Function

ReSET-TNG the Blockage and ReSET-TNG the Nervous & Immune Systems

Telomeres serve to protect the ends of chromosomes from damage and degradation. Without telomeres, the ends of chromosomes would be recognized as broken DNA, triggering a cellular response that could result in the loss or rearrangement of genetic material. Telomeres also serve as a “buffer” to prevent the loss of vital genetic information during DNA replication.

The loss or rearrangement of genetic material can negatively affect an organism because it can disrupt the normal function of genes, leading to developmental abnormalities and other health problems. Rearrangement of genetic material, also known as translocation, occurs when a part of a chromosome separates and re-attaches to another chromosome. This rearrangement can disrupt the normal function of genes. Rearrangement of genetic material can also lead to the loss or gain of genetic material, depending on the specific type of translocation.

Addressing the Root Cause of a Chronic Condition

BioSET’s success lies in the fact that it helps identify and heal the root cause of the individual’s problem. Individuals who suffer from chronic conditions usually have imbalances in their digestive tract and immune response. They often have an inability to adequately deal with a stressful toxic load or have abnormal reactions to items such as foods, environmental elements, chemical exposure or pathogens. Because they are reacting abnormally to these everyday stressors their immune system becomes overloaded. The result is that:

  • These individuals have severely decreased immune function available to fend off real threats, such as bacterial, viral or parasitic infections.
  • Their system becomes chaotic and weakened from a continual attempt to correct imbalances.
  • Chronic conditions or chronic symptoms become or remain established.
  • Vital organ systems, which rely on proteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids for their proper functioning, are consistently undernourished.

After resetting the body’s response to food, chemical and environmental stressors, most individuals experience significant improvement in both their physical and emotional well-being.

The BioSET System

The BioSET System is the answer to a multitude of health challenges that health care practitioners encounter in their daily practices. It utilizes cutting-edge techniques, healthy nutrition, purification and enzyme therapy for prolonged optimal digestive health and nutrient utilization.

Clcik here to learn more about the whole BioSET System and how it works with ReSET therapy.

The BioSET System is the answer to a multitude of health challenges that health care practitioners encounter in their daily practices. It utilizes cutting-edge techniques, healthy nutrition, purification and enzyme therapy for prolonged optimal digestive health and nutrient utilization.

To learn more about the BioSET System

Additional Assessment Resources

BioSET Allergy Desensitization | ReSET Therapy

  • In-Person, Virtual, By Phone.

  • Utilizing the BioSET method to desensitize sensitivities via electro-dermal screening.
  • Sessions range from 30 – 60 minutes.

  • $85 per sensitivity group.

BioSET Comprehensive Evaluation

  • In-Person, Virtual, By Phone.

  • Electro-dermal screening testing six point Bioenergetic Comprehensive Evaluation utilizing the BioSET technique: [Digestive, Metabolic system, Toxicity, Emotional, Nutritional, Nutritional, and Sensitivity].

  • Sessions range from 45 – 90 minutes.
  • $225

Intuitive Sequencing | Focus Filter

  • In-Person, Virtual, By Phone.

  • Utilizing the IQS machine and software to intuitively locate energetic imbalances that are contributing to a specific concern via electro-dermal screening.

  • Sessions range from 30 – 60 minutes.
  • Starting from $225

Recablibration Sequencing

  • In-Person, Virtual, By Phone.

  • Utilizing the interrogatory biofeedback to recalibrate.
  • Sessions range from 30 – 90 minutes.

  • Starting from $175.