Acne – cleans tissue internally so deeper-seated eruptions do not occur.
Breast Tenderness/Swelling – reduction in swelling and discomfort in breast and underarm.
Cancer – This is listed as a contraindication on the Arcturus website. People addressing cancer with this treatment to take the training. This helps to get the chemotherapy out of the body as quickly as possible after it has done its job. This also helps to clear out the dead tumor cells, as they swell to 5 times their size when they die and can cause major backup if left to sit in the tissue. I need to know if someone has cancer, where or not they are treating it. Must wait 72 hours after chemo treatment.
Cellulite – is a lymphatic problem. Therapy over time helps to minimize and smooth out skin.
Cold/Flu – reduction in duration.
Dental Issues – post surgery infection. Pre-surgery helps keep tissue healthy.
Digestive issues – Most of the lymph is in the abdomen. This reduces the waste around the organs and actually aids digestion, as the small intestine cannot digest everything. About 70% of our immune system is found in the GI tract. Colitis and IBS are considered auto-immune disease, and this therapy helps to strengthen and balance the immune system.
Heavy feeling in limbs – usually a structural blockage at underarm or groin. Upper body is quicker. Lower body may require several visits.
Joint Stiffness – often there is fluid around the joint or in a joint closer to the drainage point, preventing flow.
Leg Swelling – This condition is surprisingly challenging because the lymph needs to travel all the way up to the clavicle on the left side. When someone is seeking lymphatic drainage for leg swelling, please be aware that it may not get to the legs immediately. Usually there is a lot of blockages in the abdomen that has built up in the tissue for years. You will not notice a reduction in swelling even when we do not work on the legs because of this.
Lipomas – benign fatty tumors. These also usually take several visits to dissolve. However, sometimes it is only one visit.
Lymphedema – If it is very swollen, that is permanent, but it helps symptoms greatly. Prevention of this condition is where this work makes more of a difference, or in its early stages.
Nasal & Sinus Congestion – immediate for acute issues.
Orthopedic Problems – Occasionally, these issues will have dramatic pain reduction.
Reproductive issues – Fibroids, cysts, scars and many other issues in this area will benefit. There is often a lot of scar tissue from childbirth, abdominal surgeries and endometriosis. The sessions will help to get all the waste out of the area so the tissues can heal.
Scar Tissue – Either internal or external. This takes a longer series of sessions.
Swelling at the clavicle area – this is where lymph drains into the blood and is often congested.
Swollen Lymph nodes in neck – these flushes them and reduces them in size. The exception is serious illness.
TMJ – Helps to reduce the tension around the jaw, and at the base of the skull.