Lifestyle modifications can reduce your risk factors for disease.
Changes in lifestyle can be difficult for most people, especially a radical change in diet. However, good health cannot be realized as long as the body is not receiving the proper nutrients, exercise, and sleep. There are many unhealthy behaviors and habits, such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and living at a high stress level that also have a negative impact on health and longevity.
The Problem With Food
Todays’ food supply is riddled with addictive substances. White sugar and flavor enhancers create cravings for more of the food that keeps us unhealthy. MSG and aspartame, both common ingredients in many foods, overstimulate taste buds and increase dopamine levels, activating the pleasure center in the brain. Because the brain wants more of the “feel good” drug, we keep eating, even when we no longer feel hunger. The glut of processed food in America turns many into food addicts. An adult that has eaten junk food throughout life will have an even harder time forming new, healthier nutritional habits. However, optimum health can only be achieved when the body receives the vitamins, minerals and enzymes that exist in whole, organic foods.
Forming New Habits
New habits are formed through repetition and the motivation to break old habits. However, with the right motivation, healthier habits will form by themselves. Through repetition, new pathways are formed in the brain that promote new, healthier behaviors.
At Hilton’s Heartland, we promote lifestyle behaviors that foster health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. We consistently encourage and educate our clients on the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction strategies.